May 14-18, 2007
Honolulu, Hawai'i

Student Scholarships

Update! Student Instructions
All US-based student scholarship recipients must fill out and submit (to Sandip Sen at the address below) the travel reimbursement form available at the following URL: www.utulsa.edu/research/Forms/TravelExpenseReport.xls

Non-US students must fill out and submit this form to Sascha Ossowski at the address below.

Please come to the Ala Moana Hotel on Sunday afternoon (doctoral mentoring program) or sometime on Monday at the convention center 3rd floor for volunteer checkin.

At that checkin, you can sign up for a time to volunteer - it will be about 4 hours - usually one morning or one afternoon, some special events.. We will need the most help with registration on Sunday-Wednesday, projectors on Monday and Tuesday, and posters Wednesday-Friday.

The volunteer room is 302 B in the convention center.

If your flight does not allow you to attend on Sunday or Monday, we will still find time for you to work!

This form will be used to confirm your checkin as well as duties as completed (signed by myself or someone I appoint each time). (please print out a copy ahead of time).

The Check-in slot will be signed and dated when you come for your orientation meeting on Sunday, May 13, or Monday, May 14.
The Work slot should be completed with the exact volunteer work, and then signed by one of the authorized people.

If you want to schedule specific times or have questions, send email to aamas07volunteer@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you very soon!!

-Nancy Reed and local volunteers

All funded students are required to fulfill volunteer duties. Only AAMAS-07 related expenses (registration, travel, room and board) are reimbursable up to the amount awarded.
NOTE: All reimbursement requests must be submitted by the end of May.

Information for US-based students:

1. Air travel must be by a US carrier
2. Maximum food reimbursement per day is $30, maximum food reimbursement per meal is $25;
3. You are required to register by the early registration deadline and will be reimbursed only this lower registration rate.

Include all of the following with your reimbursement request:
(a) submission of all receipts (including food) are required for reimbursement,
(b) signed letter from faculty advisor stating his/her support for reimbursement up to the scholarship amount that you have been awarded
(c) completely fill out the and sign the travel reimbursement form (do not forget to include your SSN and complete address).

See Travel Expense policy in the reimbursement form for more detail about what expense can or cannot be reimbursed.

Mail reimbursement packet, including filled reimbursement form and all supporting information, to:
Sandip Sen
Department of Mathematical & Computer Sciences,
University of Tulsa,
600 South College Avenue,
Tulsa, OK 74104-3189.
United States

Information for Non-US students:

Include all of the following with your reimbursement request:
(a) submission of all receipts (including food) are required for reimbursement,
(b) volunteer form signed by local organizer (you will be contacted shortly by the local organisers on this)
(c) signed letter from faculty advisor stating his/her support for reimbursement up to the scholarship amount that you have been awarded

Mail reimbursement packet, including filled reimbursement form and all supporting information, to: Professor Sascha Ossowski
University Rey Juan Carlos
School of Computer Engineering
Campus de Móstoles,
Calle Tulipán s/n
E-28933 Móstoles, Madrid

For general inquiries about student scholarship, please send your E-mail to sascha.ossowski@urjc.es