Inspiration source: Social Sciences
Area Chairs: Rosaria Conte and Les Gasser

Papers on theory and applications inspired by social science theories are encouraged. The goal is to foster interaction between researchers on multi-agent and social sciences, so as to provide a cradle for
cross-fertilization of concepts from both fields.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. Social based models of autonomy, cooperation, norms, organizations, networks, power, institutions
2. Mental representation of social interaction
3. Social mind and social action
4. Social based rationality models
5. Multi-agent-based simulation of social phenomena
6. Policy making
7. Social cognitive modelling of social and collective action
8. Modelling social and cultural dynamics

When registering your paper to this special area, please select:

Inspiration Source: Social/Management Science

The other axes must be chosen according to the paper submitted. As an example, a paper that fits into topic 5 above describing a social simulation result using an experimental prototype should choose Experimental systems on the Description Level Axis and Cross-Cutting:Multi-Agent Based Simulation on the Focus Axis (Keyword).

For more information about the deadlines and formats, please refer to the Information for Authors and Submission Details pages.