Copyright ©
AAMAS 2003



Paper submissions

AAMAS03 welcomes the submission of original research papers centered around the themes of autonomous agents and multiagent systems, particularly those relating to the subject areas mentioned below. We encourage theoretical, experimental, methodological, and applications papers. Theory papers should make their relevance to the AAMAS community clear, and applied papers should make their scientific/technical contributions evident. Papers that address isolated agent capabilities per se (such as planning or learning) are discouraged, unless they are placed in the overall context of autonomous agent architectures or of multiagent system organization and performance. Evaluation is considered a desirable component of any submission.

In addition to conventional conference papers, we welcome the submission of papers that focus on implemented systems or software or robotic prototypes. These papers require a demonstration of the prototype at the conference and should include a detailed project/system description specifying hardware/software features and requirements.

The conference also encourages submissions of proposals for workshops, tutorials, posters, and robotic and software demonstrations - see the WWW site for details.

Here is how to submit a paper:

  • Registration and submission of papers for AAMAS03 has now closed.
  • Authors who have not yet uploaded their full paper, should contact as soon as possible
  • The remainder of these guidelines are retained for information only
  • Note that the electronic submission site is likely to be very busy around the paper submission deadline. You are strongly urged to submit your paper as far in advance of the deadline as possible.
  • The only formats allowed for submission are PostScript or PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format). These are widely supported and well-known standards: papers will not be accepted in any other format (e.g., MS Word) because of compatibility problems between software versions, machines, and nationalities. Apple Mac users should take particular care when submitting papers, as Macs (much as we love 'em) tend to produce file formats that Windows/Linux users have difficulty interpreting!
  • Submitted papers must be formatted in the style of ACM conference proceedings. Templates (Word, Word Perfect and LaTeX) are available at:
  • LaTeX users please note: We strongly recommend the use of the ``alternate'' style file (option 2), which produces much nicer looking pages, and can fit in a great deal more text.
  • Papers must be no longer than 8 pages, including figures and references, when formatted using the style files provided. Overlength papers will be rejected.
  • Authors should specify (e.g., in a footnote) if the primary author of the paper is a student, so that the paper can be considered for the best student paper award.
  • AAMAS will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference.
  • PLEASE monitor the WWW site for further submission details or changes.