Topics of Interest
AAMAS03 topics include, but are not restricted
- action selection and planning for agents
- agencies; holonic, complex, collective
agents; micro/macro agents
- agent architectures
- agent architectures as cognitive models
and models of mind
- agent-based auction systems, bidding and
bargaining agents
- agent-based software engineering
- agent-based workflow management and process
- agent communication languages and protocols
- agent-mediated electronic commerce - markets,
auctions and exchanges
- agent programming languages and environments
- agents on and for the Grid
- argumentation and persuasion
- artificial social systems
- autonomous robots and robot teams
- coalition formation
- computational complexity and agent systems
- computational/multiagent ecosystems
- conflicts, conflict resolution, and negotiation
- conversational agents
- coordination of multiple agents/activities
& coordination infrastructures
- deontic relations
- emotion and personality
- evolution, adaptation and learning
- groups, teams, organizations, and societies;
group dynamics
- human-like, lifelike, and believable qualities
of synthetic agents
- infrastructure, APIs, and software tools
for multiagent systems
- interface agents and conversational agents
- lessons learned from deployed agents
- logics & formal models of agency and
multiagent systems
- logic programming for agent and multiagent
systems & cognitive robotics
- methodologies and tools for specification,
design, implementation, testing, validation, and benchmarking;
- middle-agents (e.g., matchmakers, brokers,
- mobile agents
- moral and political issues in building
or applying autonomous intelligent entities
- motivation, goal selection and theories
of rational agency
- multiagent-based simulation for sociobiological,
social, economic, and environmental issues
- negotiation in multiagent systems
- ontologies for agents and social modeling;
ontologies in agent-based information systems and knowledge
- perception and action in agents
- philosophical foundations of agents
- privacy, security and agents; conceptual,
technical, and legal issues
- robustness, fault tolerance, performance,
dependability, etc.
- scalability and complexity issues
- self-organizing systems and emergent organization
- agents and social navigation on the Web
- scalability issues in multiagent systems
- social order, conventions, norms, social
control; cultural norms and institutions
- standards for agents and multiagent systems
- theories of agency and autonomy (agenthood,
initiative, pro-activity; reliability, delegation, trust,
- user and agent modeling; social reasoning
and social intelligence