Call for Industry Track

Fifth International Joint Conference on AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS (AAMAS 2006)
Future University, Hakodate, Japan, May 8-12, 2006

Agent Technology Impact

If you are working to commercialize agent technologies, we want a paper from you. The AAMAS conference Industry Track is dedicated to industrial and commercial application of agent technologies. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: experiences gained from commercialization or commercialization attempts, application case studies, return on investment analysis of agent technologies, insights into markets appropriate for agent technologies, commercial application of agents, government or defense applications of agents, barriers to adoption or adoption facilitators, etc. We want to know about your experiences in developing real world impact for agent technologies. Novel papers in this general space are strongly encouraged.

The AAMAS Conference

The International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) is the leading international conference in the theory and practice of software agents. The conference attracts delegates from many different backgrounds; from those developing agent-based software products and services to those working in the theoretical foundations of the discipline. The AAMAS-06 conference will be held in May of 2006 in Hakodate, Japan.

What is the Industry Track?

The AAMAS industry track is a special track at the AAMAS conference that runs in parallel with the regular AAMAS scientific track. The track is dedicated to fostering commercial, or real world, impact for agent technologies. The track features presentations, panels, invited talks, and demonstrations from industrial participants, giving them an opportunity to showcase the state of the art in agent technology. Industry track papers will be published in a high quality, formal proceedings volume. The industry track aims to foster mutually beneficial links between those engaged in foundational scientific research and those working to make autonomous agents and multi-agent systems a commercial reality.

How will the Track be Refereed?

Whereas in the regular conference track the overriding refereeing criterion is clearly scientific excellence, the industry track focuses primarily on the industrial relevance and technological significance of the contribution. Preference will be given to mature work demonstrating concrete industrial/commercial results and business value. Examples of an "ideal" paper might include: (i) return of investment analysis of a deployed agent system or service, (ii) case studies evaluating multiple deployed agent systems or services, or (iii) a report on a field-tested agent-based system. We discourage the submission of purely speculative papers or papers whose primary contribution is scientific. Papers focusing on purely scientific matters should be submitted to the regular conference track. We want your applied business experience with agent technologies.

Dates and Instructions

ecember 1, 2005:
Proposal submission deadline
January 15, 2006:
Notification of acceptance or rejection
February 7 (Approximately), 2006:
Final versions due

For formatting instructions and track submission details, see the Industry Track page at the main conference website. The conference URL is: For more information, contact Tom Wagner ( or Dickson Lukose (


Track Co-Chairs

Tom Wagner ? Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Dickson Lukose ? DL Informatique