Tutorial Programs

Fifth International Joint Conference on AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS (AAMAS 2006)
Future University, Hakodate, Japan, May 8-12, 2006


Instructions for Tutorial Presenters:

Data projectors (beamers) are available in the tutorial rooms. To facilitate PowerPoint or other presentations, presenters should bring their own laptop. Standard cable connectors will be available, but presenters with computers that require a special adapter should bring their own. We strongly advise to bring electronic backups in a common format (i.e., ppt, pdf, or ps). The conference will not have a general system for the loan of laptops, but in the case of tutorials presenters it will be possible in an emergency to provide a machine so that a tutorial can actually take place.

Tutorial Schedule

Brief Description


February 5, 2006:
Deadline for submitting tutorial materials
May 8 - 9, 2006:
AAMAS-2006 Tutorials

Submissions and Inquiries

Proposals and inquiries should be sent by email (in ASCII) to the tutorials chair:

Yves Lesperance
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
York University
Toronto, Canada