AAMAS 2017. Sixteenth International Conference on Antonomous Agents and Multiagent Sytems. Sao Paulo - Brazil. 8th - 12th May, 2017
AAMAS 2017. Sixteenth International Conference on Antonomous Agents and Multiagent Sytems. Sao Paulo - Brazil. 8th - 12th May, 2017
AAMAS 2017. Sixteenth International Conference on Antonomous Agents and Multiagent Sytems. Sao Paulo - Brazil. 8th - 12th May, 2017

Innovative and Industrial Applications

(Chairs: Paul Scerri and Pradeep Varakantham)

Research from, and relevant to, the AAMAS community has permeated a variety of domains and applications, both as central to the application and in key supportive roles. For example, the community pursues research in topics including resource allocation, constrained optimization, learning, scheduling, agent-based simulation, and game-theoretic equilibrium computation, and applies them in domains ranging from security to biomedicine to robotics to financial and internet market design. Ideas and technologies from this research are responsible for significant revenue-generation and cost-saving, as well as for supporting important public policy and business strategy decision-making.

We are interested in hearing about how research makes it into practice and what the current problems of interest are. This special track provides the ideal forum to present, discuss, and demonstrate compelling applications, agent system deployment experiences, and new business ideas. The goal is to promote the fostering of mutually-beneficial relationships between those doing foundational scientific research and those using autonomous agents and multiagent systems in real-world commercial, non-profit, and government applications.

We invite papers across two sub-tracks:

  1. “Industrial Applications” sub-track: This is primarily for industry practitioners and researchers to present application work that is more mature, commercially deployed and uses agents/multiagent systems technology in practice. Submitted material will be evaluated based on the use of agent/multiagent systems technology for real problems over a reasonable duration (minimum of 3 months), evidence of impact, and lessons for the agents/multi-agents community of what worked and what did not.
  2. “Innovative Applications" sub-track: This is open to all researchers to showcase promising new applications of agent/multiagent systems technology that are at an early stage, with no requirement of deployment. Papers will be evaluated on innovativeness of the proposed application, use of agent/multiagent methods and evidence of possible improvement, either in simulation or by other qualitative means.

Accepted papers of both sub-tracks will automatically get an opportunity to present a demonstration at the conference.


Papers accepted to the “Industrial Applications” sub-track will receive a special award for taking agents to the real world.

Submission Instructions for the Innovative and Industrial Applications Special Track

For the industrial applications sub-track, authors must submit a single page document (in AAMAS format) briefly summarizing the interesting agent technologies featured in the deployed system and their impacts.  In addition, authors should also provide a URL (as a footnote in the single page document) to a presentation of their work in whatever electronic medium best shows the AAMAS relevant features of the application, whether a video, PPT, deployment, webpage or software.  Acceptance to the track will be determined based on both the degree to which interesting agent technologies feature in and improve the deployed system, as well as the benefit to the community to understanding the challenges and solutions in the application.

For the innovative applications sub-track, authors need to follow the same paper submission instructions as used for submitting to the main track (maximum of 8 pages, excluding references, in AAMAS format).

Important Dates

The submission deadlines are the same as for the main track of the AAMAS 2017 conference (November 11, 2016 for an abstract/intent to submit submission and November 15, 2016 for a full submission).