Accepted Papers: Main Track
Full Papers
Debugging Agent Programs with "Why?" Questions
Michael Winikoff
Splee: A Declarative Information-Based Language for Multiagent Interaction Protocols
Amit Chopra, Samuel Christie and Munindar Singh
Structured Proportional Representation
Nimrod Talmon
Coalition Power in Epistemic Transition Systems
Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao
Proportional Representation in Vote Streams
Palash Dey, Nimrod Talmon and Otniel van Handel
Supermodular games on social networks
Ayumi Igarashi
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Mosquito-Borne Disease Transmission
Akshay Jindal and Shrisha Rao
Distributed Monitoring of Election Winners
Arnold Filtser and Nimrod Talmon
Hotelling Downs Model with Limited Attraction
Weiran Shen and Zihe Wang
SATS: A Universal Spectrum Auction Test Suite
Michael Weiss, Benjamin Lubin and Sven Seuken
Real-time Adaptive Tolling Scheme for Optimized Social Welfare in Traffic Networks
Guni Sharon, Josiah Hanna, Tarun Rambha, Michael Levin, Michael Albert, Stephen Boyles and Peter Stone
Automated Negotiations for General Game Playing
Dave De Jonge and Dongmo Zhang
Uniform Information Exchange in Multi-channel Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Dongxiao Yu, Li Ning, Yong Zhang, Hai Jin, Yuexuan Wang, Francis C.M. Lau and Shengzhong Feng
Bribery as a Measure of Candidate Success: Complexity Results for Approval-Based Multiwinner Rules
Piotr Faliszewski, Piotr Skowron and Nimrod Talmon
Are ranking semantics sensitive to the notion of core?
Bruno Yun, Madalina Croitoru and Pierre Bisquert
Analyzing Games with Ambiguous Player Types Using the MINthenMAX Decision Model
Ilan Nehama
Deep Multiagent Reinforcement Learning in Sequential Social Dilemmas
Joel Z. Leibo, Vinicius Zambaldi, Marc Lanctot, Janusz Marecki and Thore Graepel
Planning for persuasion
Elizabeth Black, Amanda Coles and Christopher Hampson
Bootstrapping with Models: Confidence Intervals for Off-Policy Evaluation
Josiah Hanna, Peter Stone and Scott Niekum
Cooperative Set Function Optimization Without Communication or Coordination
Gustavo Malkomes, Kefu Lu, Blakeley Hoffman, Roman Garnett, Benjamin Moseley and Richard Mann
A succinct language for Dynamic epistemic logic
Tristan Charrier and Francois Schwarzentruber
Social manifestation of guilt leads to stable cooperation in multi-agent systems
Luis Moniz Pereira, Tom Lenaerts, Luis A. Martinez-Vaquero and The Anh Han
Attenuate Locally, Win Globally: Attenuation-based Frameworks for Online Stochastic Matching with Timeouts
Brian Brubach, Karthik Abinav Sankararaman, Aravind Srinivasan and Pan Xu
Parameterized Complexity of Group Activity Selection
Hooyeon Lee and Virginia Vassilevska Williams
Proxy Voting for Better Outcomes
Gal Cohensius, Shie Mannor, Reshef Meir, Eli Meirom and Ariel Orda
Stable Matching with Uncertain Pairwise Preferences
Haris Aziz, Peter Biro, Tamas Fleiner, Serge Gaspers, Ronald de Haan, Nicholas Mattei and Baharak Rastegari
Cost-Based Goal Recognition for Path-Planning
Peta Masters and Sebastian Sardina
A Deterministic Distributed Algorithm for Reasoning with Connected Row-Convex Constraints
Shufeng Kong, Jae Hee Lee and Sanjiang Li
Learning social conventions via collaborative reinforcement learning in complex and open settings
George Vouros
An Iterative Refined Max-sum_AD Algorithm via Single-side Value Propagation and Local Search
Ziyu Chen, Yanchen Deng and Tengfei Wu
Decentralizing MAS Monitoring with DecAMon
Angelo Ferrando, Davide Ancona and Viviana Mascardi
Incentivizing Cooperation Between Heterogeneous Agents in Dynamic Task Allocation
Sofia Amador and Roie Zivan
Exploring the bidimensional space: a dynamic logic point of view
Philippe Balbiani, David Fernández-Duque and Emiliano Lorini
Anyone But Them: The Complexity Challenge for A Resolute Election Controller
Yongjie Yang
Limiting Concept Spread in Environments with Interacting Concepts
James Archbold and Nathan Griffiths
Game-Theoretic Semantics for ATL+ with Applications to Model Checking
Valentin Goranko, Antti Kuusisto and Raine Rönnholm
Asynchronous Data Aggregation for Training End to End Visual Control Networks
Mathew Monfort, Katja Hofmann, Matthew Johnson and Aude Oliva
Referral-Embedded Provision Point Mechanisms for Crowdfunding of Public Projects
Praphul Chandra, Sujit Gujar and Narahari Yadati
Hiding Actions in Multi-Player Games
Vadim Malvone, Aniello Murano and Loredana Sorrentino
Reasoning about Hypothetical Agent Behaviours and their Parameters
Stefano Albrecht and Peter Stone
Generalizing Demand Response Through Reward Bidding
Hongyao Ma, David C. Parkes and Valentin Robu
Save Money or Feel Cozy? A Field Experiment Evaluation of a Smart Thermostat that Learns Heating Preferences
Mike Shann, Alper Alan, Sven Seuken, Enrico Costanza and Sarvapali Ramchurn
Multi-Channel Marketing with Budget Complementarities
Haifeng Zhang, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik and Ariel D. Procaccia
Thompson Sampling Based Mechanisms for Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandit Problems
Ganesh Ghalme, Shweta Jain, Sujit Gujar and Y. Narahari
Manipulation of Hamming-based Approval Voting for Multiple Referenda and Committee Elections
Nathanaël Barrot, Jérôme Lang and Makoto Yokoo
Exploiting Anonymity and Homogeneity in Factored Dec-MDPs through Precomputed Binomial Distributions
Rajiv Ranjan Kumar and Pradeep Varakantham
Synthesizing Optimal Social Laws for Strategical Agents via Bayesian Mechanism Design
Jun Wu, Lei Zhang, Chongjun Wang and Junyuan Xie
New Approximation for Borda Coalitional Manipulation
Orgad Keller, Avinatan Hassidim and Noam Hazon
The Value of Information in Automated Negotiation: A Decision Model for Eliciting User Preferences
Tim Baarslag and Michael Kaisers
The Complexity of Bribery and Control in Group Identification
Gábor Erdélyi, Christian Reger and Yongjie Yang
Complexity Results for Manipulation, Bribery and Control of the Kemeny Judgment Aggregation Procedure
Ronald de Haan
A path in the jungle of logics for multi-agent systems: on the relation between general game-playing logics and seeing-to-it-that logics
Emiliano Lorini and Francois Schwarzentruber
A Partial Decision Scheme for Local Search Algorithms for Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems
Zhepeng Yu, Ziyu Chen, Jingyuan He and Yancheng Deng
Iterated Games with LDL Goals
Julian Gutierrez, Giuseppe Perelli and Michael Wooldridge
A Distributed, Multi-Agent approach to Reactive Network Resilience
Enrique De La Hoz De La Hoz, Ivan Marsa-Maestre, Luis Cruz-Piris, David Orden and Jose Manuel Gimenez-Guzman
The importance of modelling realistic human behaviour when planning evacuation schedules
Chaminda Bulumulla, Lin Padgham, Dhirendra Singh and Jeffrey Chan
Approximate Solutions To Max-Min Fair and Proportionally Fair Allocations of Indivisible Goods
Nhan-Tam Nguyen, Trung Thanh Nguyen and Jörg Rothe
Practical versus optimal mechanisms
Weiran Shen and Pingzhong Tang
Multi-agent nonlinear negotiation for Wi-Fi channel assignment
Enrique De La Hoz De La Hoz, Ivan Marsa-Maestre, Jose Manuel Gimenez-Guzman, David Orden and Mark Klein
Multi-Agent Flag Co-ordination Games
David Kohan Marzagão, Nicolas Rivera, Colin Cooper, Kathleen Steinhöfel and Peter McBurney
Combining Incremental Strategy Generation and Branch and Bound Search for Computing Maxmin Strategies in Imperfect Recall Games
Jiri Cermak, Branislav Bosansky and Michal Pechoucek
Vocabulary Alignment in Openly Specified Interactions
Paula Chocron and Marco Schorlemmer
On the Complexity of Borda Control in Single-Peaked Elections
Yongjie Yang
GUBS: a utility-based semantic for Goal-Directed Markov Decision Processes
Valdinei Freire and Karina Valdivia
Proactive Project Scheduling with Time-dependent Workability Uncertainty
Wen Song, Donghun Kang, Jie Zhang and Hui Xi
Real Candidacy Games: A New Model for Strategic Candidacy
Itay Sabato, Svetlana Obraztsova, Zinovi Rabinovich and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein
Doodle Poll Games
Svetlana Obraztsova, Maria Polukarov, Zinovi Rabinovich and Edith Elkind
Stop Nuclear Smuggling Through Efficient Container Inspection
Xinrun Wang, Qingyu Guo and Bo An
A Restricted Markov Tree Model for Inference and Generation in Social Choice
John A. Doucette and Robin Cohen
Stability of generalized two-sided markets with transaction thresholds
Wei Zhan, Zhiyuan Li, Pingzhong Tang, Yicheng Liu and Tingting Xu
Random Assignment with Optional Participation
Florian Brandl, Felix Brandt and Johannes Hofbauer
Reward Shaping in Episodic Reinforcement Learning
Marek Grzes
The Complexity of Control and Bribery in Majority Judgement
Yongjie Yang
Complexity of Control by Partition of Voters and of Voter Groups in Veto and Other Scoring Protocols
Cynthia Maushagen and Jörg Rothe
Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Step Expert Advice
Patrick Philipp and Achim Rettinger
Data-driven simulation and optimization for incident response in urban railway networks
Jacint Szabo, Sebastien Blandin and Charles Brett
The Atkinson Inequality Index in Multiagent Resource Allocation
Sebastian Schneckenburger, Britta Dorn and Ulle Endriss
Computing Approximate Pure Nash Equilibria in Digraph k-Coloring Games
Raffaello Carosi, Michele Flammini and Gianpiero Monaco
Agent-based Abstractions for Verifying Alternating-time Temporal Logic with Imperfect Information
Francesco Belardinelli and Alessio Lomuscio
Majority Graphs of Assignment Problems and Properties of Popular Random Assignments
Felix Brandt, Johannes Hofbauer and Martin Suderland
Verification of Multi-agent Systems with Imperfect Information and Public Actions
Francesco Belardinelli, Alessio Lomuscio, Aniello Murano and Sasha Rubin
Inverse Reinforcement Learning in Swarm Systems
Adrian Šošić, Wasiur R. Khudabukhsh, Abdelhak M. Zoubir and Heinz Koeppl
An Automated Negotiation Agent for Permission Management
Tim Baarslag, Alper Alan, Richard Gomer, Muddasser Alam, Charith Perera, Enrico Gerding and M.C. Schraefel
Beyond Electing and Ranking: Collective Dominating Chains, Dominating Subsets and Dichotomies
Jérôme Lang, Jerome Monnot, Arkadii Slinko and William Zwicker
Infinite-Horizon Proactive Dynamic DCOPs
Khoi Hoang, Ping Hou, Ferdinando Fioretto, William Yeoh, Roie Zivan and Makoto Yokoo
Learning to Minimise Action Regret in Route Choice
Gabriel Ramos, Bruno Da Silva and Ana Bazzan
Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding for Online Pickup and Delivery Tasks
Hang Ma, Jiaoyang Li, T. K. Satish Kumar and Sven Koenig
Bisimulations for Verifying Strategic Abilities Applied to Voting Protocols
Francesco Belardinelli, Rodica Condurache, Catalin Dima, Wojciech Jamroga and Andrew Jones
A Declarative Modular Framework for Representing and Applying Ethical Principles
Fiona Berreby, Gauvain Bourgne and Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
Strategic disclosure of opinions on a social network
Umberto Grandi, Emiliano Lorini, Arianna Novaro and Laurent Perrussel
Reasoning about Natural Strategic Ability
Wojtek Jamroga, Vadim Malvone and Aniello Murano
Simultaneously Learning and Advising in Multiagent Reinforcement Learning
Felipe Leno Da Silva, Ruben Glatt and Anna Helena Reali Costa
Coalition Structure Generation and CS-core: Results on the Tractability Frontier for games represented by MC-nets
Julien Lesca, Patrice Perny and Makoto Yokoo
Decidability results for ATL with imperfect information and perfect recall
Raphaël Berthon, Bastien Maubert and Aniello Murano
Forward actor-critic for non-linear function approximation in reinforcement learning
Vivek Veeriah, Harm van Seijen and Richard S. Sutton
Divide and Conquer: Using Geographic Manipulation to Win District-Based Elections
Yoad Lewenberg, Omer Lev and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein
Distant Truth: Bias under vote distortion costs
Svetlana Obraztsova, Omer Lev, Evangelos Markakis, Zinovi Rabinovich and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein
Safely Using Predictions in General-Sum Normal Form Games
Steven Damer and Maria Gini
Applying Copeland Voting to Design an Agent-Based Hyper-Heuristics
Vinicius Renan de Carvalho and Jaime Simão Sichman
Understanding Norm Change: An Evolutionary Game-Theoretic Study
Soham De, Dana Nau and Michele Gelfand
Robustness in Discrete Preference Games
Vincenzo Auletta, Ioannis Caragiannis, Diodato Ferraioli, Clemente Galdi and Giuseppe Persiano
Contrasting Misinformation in Online Social Networks
Amoruso Marco, Daniele Anello, Vincenzo Auletta and Diodato Ferraioli
Iterated Boolean Games for Rational Verification
Tong Gao, Julian Gutierrez and Michael Wooldridge
Weighted Matching Markets with Budget Constraints
Naoto Hamada, Anisse Ismaili, Takamasa Suzuki and Makoto Yokoo
Label Correction and Event Detection for Electricity Disaggregation
Mark Valovage and Maria Gini
Mechanism Design with Unknown Correlated Distributions: Can We Learn Optimal Mechanisms?
Michael Albert, Vincent Conitzer and Peter Stone
Coordinating multiple defensive resources in patrolling games with alarm systems
Nicola Basilico, Andrea Celli, Giuseppe De Nittis and Nicola Gatti
Learning to Partition using Score Based Compatibilties
Arun Rajkumar, Koyel Mukherjee and Theja Tulabandhula
Arnor: Modeling Social Intelligence via Norms to Engineer Privacy-Aware Personal Agents
Nirav Ajmeri, Pradeep Kumar Murukannaiah, Hui Guo and Munindar P. Singh
Spoofing the Limit Order Book: An Agent-Based Model
Xintong Wang and Michael Wellman
Efficient near-optimal algorithms for barter exchange
Zhipeng Jia, Pingzhong Tang, Ruosong Wang and Hanrui Zhang
Uncharted but not Uninfluenced: Influence Maximization with an Uncertain Network
Bryan Wilder, Amulya Yadav, Nicole Immorlica, Eric Rice and Milind Tambe
Fixpoint Approximation of Strategic Abilities under Imperfect Information
Wojtek Jamroga, Michał Knapik and Damian Kurpiewski
Condorcet Consistent Bundling with Social Choice
Shreyas Sekar, Sujoy Sikdar and Lirong Xia
Theoretical Foundations of Team Matchmaking
Josh Alman and Dylan McKay
Symbolic Model Checking Multi-Agent Systems against CTL*K Specifications
Jeremy Kong and Alessio Lomuscio
HTN Guided Reasoning in BDI Agent Programs
Lavindra de Silva
Parameterized Dichotomy of Choosing Committees Based on Approval Votes in the Presence of Outliers
Palash Dey, Neeldhara Misra and Narahari Y.
Error Cascades in Collective Behavior - A Case Study of the Gradients Algorithm on 1000 Physical Agents
Melvin Gauci, Monica Ortiz, Michael Rubenstein and Radhika Nagpal
Fair Division via Social Comparison
Rediet Abebe, Jon Kleinberg and David Parkes
On the Construction of Covert Networks
Marcin Waniek, Tomasz Michalak, Talal Rahwan and Michael Wooldridge
Complexity Results for Aggregating Judgments using Scoring or Distance-Based Procedures
Ronald de Haan and Marija Slavkovik
On Phase Transitions in Dynamics of Cellular and Graph Automata Models of Sparsely Interconnected Multi-Agent Systems
Predrag Tosic
Causality, Responsibility, and Blame in Team Plans
Natasha Alechina, Joseph Halpern and Brian Logan
The Event Calculus in Probabilistic Logic Programs with Annotated Disjunctions
Kevin McAreavey, Kim Bauters, Weiru Liu and Jun Hong
What Becomes of the Broken Hearted? - An Agent-Based Approach to Self-Evaluation, Interpersonal Loss, and Suicide Ideation
Jiamou Liu, Luqi Li and Kyle Russell
Group Decision Making in Social Environments
Erman Acar, Gianluigi Greco and Marco Manna
Extended Abstracts
Doxastic Reasoning with Multi-Source Justifications based on Second Order Propositional Modal Logic
Tuan-Fang Fan and Churn-Jung Liau
Pareto Optimal Allocation under Uncertain Preferences
Haris Aziz, Ronald de Haan and Baharak Rastegari
Coalitional Exchange Stable Matchings in Marriage and Roommate Markets
Haris Aziz and Adrian Goldwaser
Agent-based Influence Maintenance in Social Networks
Weihua Li, Quan Bai, Doan Tung Nguyen and Minjie Zhang
Memory-based Mechanisms for Economic Agents
Gil Dollberg and Aviv Zohar
A Dynamic Resource Allocation Approach for Concurrent Emergency Events in Metropolitan Regions
Jihang Zhang, Minjie Zhang and Fenghui Ren
Pure Exploration in Episodic Fixed-Horizon Markov Decision Processes
Sudeep Raja Putta and Theja Tulabandhula
Coalition Formability Semantics With Conflict-Eliminable Sets of Arguments
Ryuta Arisaka and Ken Satoh
Online Assignment Problems in Crowdsourcing Market: Theory and Practice
Pan Xu, Aravind Srinivasan, Kanthi Sarpatwar and Kun-Lung Wu
Pursuing a Faster Evader Based on an Agent Team with Unstable Speeds
Fuhan Yan and Yichuan Jiang
Protecting Elections with Minimal Resource Consumption
Yunpeng Li, Yichuan Jiang and Weiwei Wu
The Impact of Sensory Configurations on Autonomous Coordinated Driving
Geoff Nitschke and Allen Huang
Resource-bounded Norm Monitoring
Natalia Criado
Symmetry detection and exploitation for function approximation in RL
Anuj Mahajan and Theja Tulabandhula
Argumentation Based Defeasible Reasoning For Existential Rules
Abdelraouf Hecham, Madalina Croitoru and Pierre Bisquert
Speeding up Tabular Reinforcement Learning Using State-Action Similarities
Ariel Rosenfeld, Matthew E. Taylor and Sarit Kraus
A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Reward Transformations in Multi-Objective Stochastic Games
Patrick Mannion, Jim Duggan and Enda Howley
Dealing with incompatibilities among goals
Mariela Morveli Espinoza, Ayslan Possebom, Josep Puyol-Gruart and Cesar A. Tacla
An Empathic Agent that Alleviates Stress by Providing Support via Social Media
Lenin Medeiros and Tibor Bosse
Dynamic Pricing for Reusable Resources in Competitive Market with Stochastic Demand
Jiang Rong, Tao Qin, Bo An and Tie-Yan Liu
Extending the Range of Delivery Drones by Exploratory Learning of Energy Models
Tsz-Chiu Au and Ty Nguyen
Local Norm Phenomena in Multi-Agent Systems under Community Networks
Shuyue Hu and Ho-Fung Leung
Other-Condemning Anger = Blaming Accountable Agents for Frustrated Intentions
Mehdi Dastani, Emiliano Lorini, John-Jules Meyer and Alexander Pankov
Timed ATL: Forget Memory, Just Count
Étienne André, Wojciech Jamroga, Michał Knapik, Wojciech Penczek and Laure Petrucci
Max-sum Revisited; The Real Power of Damping
Liel Cohen and Roie Zivan
A Modular Framework for Decentralised Multi-Agent Planning
Rafael C. Cardoso and Rafael H. Bordini
Curriculum Design for Machine Learners in Sequential Decision Tasks
Bei Peng, James MacGlashan, Robert Loftin, Michael Littman, David Roberts and Matthew Taylor
Automating Decision Making to help establish norm-based regulations
Maite Lopez-Sanchez, Juan Antonio Rodriguez-Aguilar, Javier Morales and Michael Wooldridge
interActors: A Model for Separating Complex Communication Concerns in Multiagent Computations
Hongxing Geng and Nadeem Jamali
Evolutionary game-theoretic modeling of past societies' organization structure
Angelos Chliaoutakis and Georgios Chalkiadakis
Reasoning about Opportunistic Propensity in Multi-agent Systems
Jieting Luo, John-Jules Meyer and Max Knobbout
Parametric runtime verification of multiagent systems
Davide Ancona, Angelo Ferrando and Viviana Mascardi
MATe: Multiagent Architecture for Taming e-Devices
Vladimir Moreira and Anarosa Alves Franco Brandão
DYCOM: A Dynamic Truthful Budget Balanced Double-sided Combinatorial Market
Rica Gonen and Ozi Egri
Truthful Mechanisms Without Money: What You Do Not Need To Worry About
Sofia Ceppi, Ian Kash and Rafael Frongillo
An Adaptive One-to-many Negotiation to Improve The Service Acceptability of an Open SaaS Provider
Amro Najjar
Making and Improving Predictions of Interest Using an MDP Model
Yunlong Liu, Yifeng Zeng, Hexing Zhu and Yun Tang
Generalised Discount Functions applied to a Monte-Carlo AI\mu Implementation
Sean Lamont
On-the-fly Learning and Monitoring of Partially Observed Navigation Plan
Joseph Vincent Pulido, Maryanne Fields and Laura Barnes
Computational Assumption-based Argumentation: An Activity Recognition Case Study
Xiuyi Fan, Huiguo Zhang, Siyuan Liu, Cyril Leung and Chunyan Miao
On Repeated Stackelberg Security Game with the Cooperative Human Behavior Model for Wildlife Protection
Binru Wang, Yuan Zhang and Sheng Zhong
Safety First: Strategic Navigation in Adversarial Environments
Ofri Keidar and Noa Agmon
Optimal Number of Choices in Rating Contexts
Sam Ganzfried
A Trust-based Mixture of Gaussian Processes Model for Robust Participatory Sensing
Qikun Xiang, Jie Zhang, Ido Nevat and Pengfei Zhang
Synergistic Team Composition
Ewa Andrejczuk, Juan A. Rodriguez-Aguilar, Carles Sierra and Carme Roig
Using Tags to Bootstrap Stereotypes and Trust
Caroline Player and Nathan Griffiths
Bootstrapping trust with partial and subjective observability
Phillip Taylor, Lina Barakat, Simon Miles and Nathan Griffiths
On the Use of Model-Driven Engineering in Agent-based Modeling and Simulation: a Case Study in the Traffic Signal Control Domain
Fernando Santos, Ingrid Nunes and Ana L. C. Bazzan
Modelling and Reasoning about Palliative Actions in BDI Agents
João Faccin and Ingrid Nunes
A Dominant Strategy Truthful, Deterministic Multi-Armed Bandit Mechanism with Logarithmic Regret
Divya Padmanabhan, Satyanath Bhat, Prabuchandran K J, Shirish Shevade and Narahari Yadati
Consensus on Social Graphs under Increasing Peer Pressure
Justin Semonsen, Christopher Griffin, Anna Squicciarini and Sarah Rajtmajer
Uttering Only What is Needed: Enthymemes in Multi-Agent Systems
Alison R. Panisson and Rafael H. Bordini
Multiagent Coordination Using Graph Structured Mathematical Optimization
Arambam James Singh and Akshat Kumar
On Approximate Welfare and Revenue-Maximizing Equilibria for Size-Interchangeable Bidders
Enrique Areyan Viqueira, Amy Greenwald and Victor Naroditskiy
Cognition-enabled Task Interpretation for Human-Robot Teams in a Simulation-based Search and Rescue Mission
Fereshta Yazdani, Matthias Scheutz and Michael Beetz
Approval Voting with Intransitive Preferences
Yongjie Yang
FIDES: How Emotions and Small Talks May Influence Trust in an Embodied vs. Non-embodied Robot
Raul Paradeda, Mojgan Hashemian, Carla Guerra, Rui Prada, João Dias and Ana Paiva
Designing learning algorithms over the sequence form of an extensive-form game
Nicola Gatti, Edoardo Manino and Marcello Restelli
Contextual Ranking of Behaviors for Large-scale Multiagent Simulations
Nidhi Parikh, Madhav Marathe and Samarth Swarup
A flexible approach for designing optimal reward functions
Ricardo Grunitzki, Bruno C. Da Silva and Ana L. C. Bazzan
Evolutionary Synthesis of Stable Normative Systems
Javier Morales, Michael Wooldridge, Juan Antonio Rodriguez Aguilar and Maite Lopez-Sanchez
SLA-Mechanisms for Electricity Trading under Volatile Supply and Varying Criticality of Demand
Georgios Methenitis, Michael Kaisers and Han La Poutre
Profit Optimization in Commercial Ridesharing
Arpita Biswas, Ragavendran Gopalakrishnan, Theja Tulabandhula, Koyel Mukherjee, Asmita Metrewar and Rajasubramaniam Thangaraj
Give Agents Some REST: A Resource-Oriented Abstraction Layer for Internet-scale Agent Environments
Andrei Ciortea, Olivier Boissier, Antoine Zimmermann and Adina Magda Florea
Mechanism Design for Ontology Alignment
Piotr Krysta, Minming Li, Terry Payne and Nan Zhi
Network Security Games with Probabilistic Evasion
Richard Chen, Joshua Letchford and Gio Kao
Analysing Congestion Problems in Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning
Roxana Rădulescu, Peter Vrancx and Ann Nowé
Impact of User Diversity on their Collaboration in Open Environments
Elliot Sandfort, Bin Chen, Pooja Ahuja, Leen-Kiat Soh and Adam Eck
On Parameterized Complexity of Group Activity Selection Problems on Social Networks
Ayumi Igarashi, Edith Elkind and Robert Bredereck
Limited Observations and Local Information in Convention Emergence
James Marchant and Nathan Griffiths
SCARS: A Spatio-temporal Cognitive Agent-based Recommender System
Amel Ben Othmane, Andrea Tettamanzi, Serena Villata and Nhan Le Thanh
Optimizing resource allocation with intelligent agents
Lucas Oliveira Souza, Célia Ghedini Ralha and Bruno Hoelz
Analysis of Meta-level Communication for Distributed Resource Allocation Problems
Matthew Saponaro and Keith Decker
"Learning" vs “Non-Learning" Robot: Can a Change in Robot’s Competency affect Children’s Perception?
Shruti Chandra, Raul Paradeda, Hang Yin, Rui Prada, Pierre Dillenbourgh and Ana Paiva
A Deep Learning Approach for Norm Conflict Identification
João Paulo Aires and Felipe Meneguzzi
A Comparison of Targeted Layered Containment Strategies for a Flu Pandemic in Three US Cities
Shuyu Chu, Samarth Swarup, Jiangzhuo Chen and Achla Marathe
Refinements and randomised versions of some tournament solutions
Justin Kruger and Stéphane Airiau
Context-Based Concurrent Experience Sharing in Multiagent Systems
Dan Garant, Bruno Da Silva, Chongjie Zhang and Victor Lesser
Transfer Learning in Multi-Armed Bandit: A Causal Approach
Junzhe Zhang and Elias Bareinboim
Octopus: A Framework for Cost-Quality-Time Optimization in Crowdsourcing
Karan Goel, Shreya Rajpal and Mausam
Dynamic Generalization Kanerva Coding in Reinforcement Learning for TCP Congestion Control Design
Wei Li, Fan Zhou, Waleed Meleis and Kaushik Chowdhury
Working Together: Committee Selection and the Supermodular Degree
Rani Izsak
An Agent-Based Self-Organizing Traffic Model for Urban Evacuations
Mohammad Al-Zinati and Rym Wenkstern
LDL-based Strategy Logics for Representation and Reasoning about Structured Strategies
Liping Xiong and Yongmei Liu
A conversational agent powered by online learning
Vânia Mendonça, Francisco Melo, Luísa Coheur and Alberto Sardinha
Detecting Commitment Abandonment by Monitoring Plan Execution
Ramon Fraga Pereira, Nir Oren and Felipe Meneguzzi
Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods with Different Entitlements
Hadi Yami, Alireza Farhadi, Saeed Seddighin, Masoud Seddighin, Sébastien Lahaie, David Pennock, Mohammad Ghodsi and Mohammadtaghi Hajiaghayi
Reusing Skills for First-Time Solution of Navigation Tasks in Platform Videogames
Michael Dann, John Thangarajah and Fabio Zambetta
Mechanism Design for Social Law Synthesis under Incomplete Information
Jun Wu, Lei Zhang, Chongjun Wang and Junyuan Xie
Multiple-Profile Prediction-of-Use Games
Andrew Perrault and Craig Boutilier
Synthesizing Coalitions for Multi-Agent Games
Wei Ji, Farn Wang and Peng Wu
Optimal Decision Making with CP-nets and PCP-nets
Sujoy Sikdar, Sibel Adali and Lirong Xia
Gesture-based Control of Autonomous UAVs
Jonathon Bolin and Sandip Sen
A Stitch in Time - Autonomous Model Management via Reinforcement Learning
Elad Liebman, Eric Zavesky and Peter Stone
Disparity-Aware Group Formation for Recommendation
Xiao Lin, Min Zhang, Yongfeng Zhang and Zhaoquan Gu
Large-Scale Analysis of Complex Adaptive Systems using Multi-Agent Modeling and Simulation
Lachlan Birdsey, Claudia Szabo and Katrina Falkner
Thwarting Vote Buying through Decoy Ballots
David Parkes, Paul Tylkin and Lirong Xia
On the gap between outcomes of voting rules
Anurita Mathur and Arnab Bhattacharyya
K-Memory Strategies in Repeated Games
Lijie Chen, Fangzhen Lin, Pingzhong Tang, Kangning Wang, Ruosong Wang and Shiheng Wang
Agent Behaviors for Joining and Leaving a Flock
Katie Genter and Peter Stone
Online Recognition of Navigation Goals through Goal Mirroring
Mor Vered and Gal Kaminka
Active Perception at the Architecture Level
Niv Rafaeli and Gal Kaminka
Multi-player approximate Nash equilibria
Artur Czumaj, Michail Fasoulakis and Marcin Jurdzinski
New results on approximate Nash equilibria
Artur Czumaj, Michail Fasoulakis and Marcin Jurdzinski