AAMAS 2017. Sixteenth International Conference on Antonomous Agents and Multiagent Sytems. Sao Paulo - Brazil. 8th - 12th May, 2017
AAMAS 2017. Sixteenth International Conference on Antonomous Agents and Multiagent Sytems. Sao Paulo - Brazil. 8th - 12th May, 2017
AAMAS 2017. Sixteenth International Conference on Antonomous Agents and Multiagent Sytems. Sao Paulo - Brazil. 8th - 12th May, 2017

Accepted Papers: Robotics

Full Papers

Effect of Leader Placement on Robotic Swarm Control
Rohan Tiwari, Puneet Jain, Sujit Baliyarasimhuni, Sachit Butail and Michael Goodrich

A Tale of Two Architectures: A Dual-Citizenship Integration of Natural Language and the Cognitive Map
Tom Williams, Collin Johnson, Matthias Scheutz and Benjamin Kuipers

A Metaheuristic Approach to the Coverage of Grid Environments with Limited-Footprint Tools
Alessandro Riva and Francesco Amigoni

Temporal Models for Robot Classification of Human Interruptibility
Siddhartha Banerjee and Sonia Chernova

Multi-Robot Human Guidance: Human Experiments and Multiple Concurrent Requests
Piyush Khandelwal and Peter Stone

Decentralized Online Planning for Multi-Robot Warehouse Commissioning
Daniel Claes, Frans Oliehoek, Hendrik Baier and Karl Tuyls

Spoken Instruction-Based One-Shot Object and Action Learning in a Cognitive Robotic Architecture
Matthias Scheutz, Evan Krause, Brad Oosterveld and Robert Platt

Scaling Expectation-Maximization for Inverse Reinforcement Learning under Occlusion
Kenneth Bogert and Prashant Doshi

Multirobot Symbolic Planning under Temporal Uncertainty
Shiqi Zhang, Yuqian Jiang, Guni Sharon and Peter Stone

Exploiting Robotic Swarm Characteristics for Adversarial Subversion of System Performance
Navyata Sanghvi, Sasanka Nagavallli and Katia Sycara

Probabilistic Supervisory Control Theory (pSCT) Applied to Swarm Robotics
Yuri Kaszubowski Lopes, Stefan Trenkwalder, André Leal, Tony Dodd and Roderich Gross

Extended Abstracts

Learning to Assemble Objects with Robot Swarms
Gregor Gebhardt, Kevin Daun, Marius Schnaubelt, Alexander Hendrich, Daniel Kauth and Gerhard Neumann

Data driven strategies for Active Monocular SLAM using Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Vignesh Prasad, Rishabh Jangir, K. Madhava Krishna and Balaraman Ravindran

Task Parametrization through Multi-modal Analysis of Robot Experiences
Jan Winkler, Asil Kaan Bozcuoğlu, Mihai Pomarlan and Michael Beetz

Deeper Understanding of Vague Instructions through Simulated Execution
Mihai Pomarlan, Daniel Nyga, Mareike Picklum, Sebastian Koralewski and Michael Beetz

Model-Based Testing of An Industrial Multi-Robot Navigation System
Clemens Mühlbacher, Gerald Steinbauer, Stephan Gspandl and Michael Reip

Facial Expression Recognition with Firefly-based Feature Optimization
Kamlesh Mistry, Li Zhang, Yifeng Zeng and Mengda He

Flexible POMDP Framework for Human-Robot Cooperation in Escort Tasks
Fabio-Valerio Ferrari, Laurent Jeanpierre and Abdel-Illah Mouaddib

Inverse Reinforcement Learning Under Noisy Observations
Shervin Shahryari and Prashant Doshi

Skills, tactics and plays for decentralized multi-robot control in adversarial environments
Lotte de Koning, Juan Pablo Mendoza and Manuela Veloso

KnowRob 2.0 - A 2nd Generation Knowledge Processing Framework for Cognition-enabled Robotic Agents
Michael Beetz, Daniel Beßler, Georg Bartels, Asil Kaan Bozcuoglu, Yuen Fang, Andrei Haidu, Daniel Nyga, Mareike Picklum, Mihai Pomarlan and Jan Winkler