AAMAS 2017. Sixteenth International Conference on Antonomous Agents and Multiagent Sytems. Sao Paulo - Brazil. 8th - 12th May, 2017
AAMAS 2017. Sixteenth International Conference on Antonomous Agents and Multiagent Sytems. Sao Paulo - Brazil. 8th - 12th May, 2017
AAMAS 2017. Sixteenth International Conference on Antonomous Agents and Multiagent Sytems. Sao Paulo - Brazil. 8th - 12th May, 2017

Accepted Tutorials

TITLE: Logics for Multi-agent Systems
ABSTRACT: The tutorial will provide a general introduction to logics for modelling autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. This includes propositional dynamic logic (PDL), the logic of `seeing to it that' (STIT), the logic of `bringing it about that' (BIAT), coalition logic (CL), alternating-time temporal logic (ATL) and strategy logic (SL). During the tutorial we will also present some extensions of these logics by common sense `mentalistic' concepts such as knowledge, belief and preference.
SPEAKER: Emiliano Lorini

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