Special track on Industry and Applications (NEW! Paper information due December 9 midnight (UCT) (unchanged). Paper deadline extended to December 16 midnight (UCT) !!) The AAMAS Conference Industry and Applications Track is dedicated to collect, present and discuss contributions reporting on industrial and commercial deployment of software agent technologies and their applications. If you are working to commercialize agent technologies, or developing a real-world applications based on the agent technologies, you are coordially invited to submit papers on your current works, to help people discuss the answer to some of the existing key questions:
Novel papers in this general space are strongly encouraged. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
What is the Industry and Applications track? The AAMAS Industry and Applications Track is a special track at the AAMAS conference that runs in parallel with the regular AAMAS scientific track. The track is dedicated to fostering commercial, or real world, impact for agent technologies. The track will feature presentations, panels, invited talks, and demonstrations from industrial and academia participants, giving them an opportunity to showcase the state of the art in agent technology. Accepted papers of the AAMAS Industry and Applications Track will be included in the same electrical media (e.g. USB memory) with the main track papers. Hard copies of the proceedings are also available with fee upon request. The Industrial and Applications Track aims to foster mutually beneficial links between those engaged in foundational scientific research and those working to make autonomous agents and multi-agent systems a commercial reality.
How it will be Refereed? The submission and reviewing processes for the AAMAS Industry and
Applications Track will be separated from that of the regular scientific
track. Whereas in the regular conference track the overriding refereeing Examples of an "ideal" paper might include:
Submissions (Due date changed!!) Please submit all paper submissions mail to:
Submitted papers should be formatted according to ACM specifications. ACM style guides, as well as templates and style sheets for Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, and LaTeX can be found here. Papers must be 8 pages (regular paper) or 4 pages (short paper), including figures and references, when formatted using the specified style. Papers should be formatted for standard Letter paper size. (i.e. not A4) Overlength papers will be rejected. Notification of receipt of the electronic paper will be mailed to the first author (or designated author) soon after receipt. Please send the contact information and abstract of your paper by plain text before December 9, 2007, midnight (UCT). Last name: In addition to the above, authors are required to submit their
electronic papers. The only formats allowed for electronic submission
are PostScript or PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format). Papers will
not be accepted in any other format (e.g., MS Word) because of
compatibility problems between software versions, machines, and
nationalities. However, we strongly encourage the submission in PDF
format. We cannot accept title pages or papers submitted by
FAX. Electronic paper submissions must arrive no later than: Submissions received after this date will not be considered for review. Policy on Multiple Submissions The AAMAS 2008 Industry and Applications Track will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. Authors are also expected not to submit their papers elsewhere during the AAMAS review period. These restrictions apply only to journals and conferences, not to workshops and similar specialized presentations with a limited audience and no formal proceedings. Review process Three Program Committee members will review each paper. The decision of the Program Committee Chairs will be final and cannot be appealed. Accepted papers will be scheduled for presentation and will be included in the Proceedings. Notification of acceptance or rejection of submitted papers will be mailed to the first author (or designated author) by January 21, 2008. Note that at least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and to attend the conference to present the work. Dates and Instructions - Deadline for paper information December 9, 2007. For more information, contact the track co-chairs (industrial@aamas2008.org). Track Co-Chairs
Program Committee