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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Participants that are attending a workshop or tutorial on Monday should register on Sunday from 4pm till 7pm.

AAMAS is pleased to present the AAMAS-08 Workshop Program, to be held Monday and Tuesday, May 12–13, in Estoril, Portugal.



W3. AOSE. Agent-oriented software engineering (Full day - continues on Tuesday)

W6. DALT: Declarative agent languages and technologies (Full Day)

W7. OPTMAS: Optimisation in multi-agent systems (Full Day)

W9. MABS: Multi-agent based simulation (Full day - continues on Tuesday)

W10. MSDM: Sequential decision making in uncertain multi-agent domains (Full Day)

W11. SOCASE: Service-oriented computing: agents, semantics, and engineering (Full Day)

W13. AHC: Agents applied in health care (Full Day)

W17. ArgMAS: Argumentation in multi-agent systems (Full Day)

W18. TRUST: Trust in agent societies (Full day - continues on Tuesday)

W19. ALAMAS & ALAG: Adaptive and learning agents and MAS (Full Day)

W21. COIN: Coordination, organisations, institutions and norms in agent systems (Full Day)

W23. ACAN: Agent-based complex automated negotiations (Full Day)



W1. Formal models and methods for multi-robot systems (Full Day)

W2. FML: Functional Markup Language. Why Conversational Agents do what they do (Full Day)

W3. AOSE. Agent-oriented software engineering (Half Day - Morning )

W4. PROMAS. Programming multi-agent systems (Full Day)

W5. AT2AI: From agent theory to agent implementation (Full Day)

W8. DCR: Distributed constraint reasoning (Full Day)

W9. MABS: Multi-agent based simulation (Half Day - Afternoon)

W12. ATOP: Agent-based technologies and applications for enterprise interoperability (Full Day)

W14. ATT: Agents in traffic and transportation (Full Day)

W15. ATSN: Agent technology for sensor networks (Full Day)

W16. AP2PC: Agents and peer to peer computing (Full Day)

W18. TRUST: Trust in agent societies (Half day - Morning)

W20. AMEC: Agent-mediated electronic commerce (Full Day)

W22. OAMAS: Organised adaptation in multi-agent systems (Full Day)

W24. CCMMS: Coordination and control in massively MAS (CANCELLED)

W25. SGT: Smart grid technologies (CANCELLED – Session to be scheduled within SOCASE)

W26. WEIN: Emergence intelligence of networked agents (CANCELLED)


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