General Chairs: Elisabeth Andre and Sven Koenig
Program Chairs: Mehdi Dastani and Gita Sukthankar
Tutorial Chairs: Chris Amato and Bo An
Workshop Chairs: Catholijn Jonker and Gal Kaminka
Finance Chair: Paul Davidsson
Sponsorship Chairs: Marcello Cirillo, Nicola Gatti, Kagan Tumer and Pradeep Varakantham
Exhibition Program Chair: Roie Zivan
Demonstration Program Chairs: Alessandro Farinelli and Iolanda Leite
Doctoral Consortium Chairs: Ana Bazzan and Birgit Lugrin
Publicity Chairs: Adrian Pearce and Jordi Sabater-Mir
Publication Chair: Neil Yorke-Smith
Scholarship Chairs: Julian Padget, Sanem Sariel and William Yeoh
Webmaster: Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik
Local Arrangement Chair: Franziska Kluegl

Socially Interactive Agents: Angelo Cafaro and Stacy Marsella
Blue Sky Ideas: Michael Rovatsos and Carles Sierra
Robotics: Sonia Chernova and Maria Gini
Industrial Applications: Nils Bulling and Ann Nowé
JAAMAS: Natasha Alechina