Conference Venue: Stockholmsmässan
Adress: Mässvägen 1, 125 80 Älvsjö
The AAMAS conference will be held within the frame of the Federated Artificial Intelligence Meeting (FAIM) at Stockholmsmässan. Stockholmmässa is the biggest convention and exhibition facility in Northern Europe. They have more than 70 years of experience to arrange big events such as this co-located meeting of three of the biggest International AI conferences.
The main entrance of Stockholmsmässan is located within a few minutes walking distance from Älvsjö Station which can be reached from Stockholm Centralstation within 10 minutes. Commuter trains connect the central station with Älvsjö station about 8 to 14 times per hour, also until late at night. In these commuter trains, announcements are in Swedish and English.
Although located on opposite sides of Stockholm city center, there is also a direct train connection between Arlanda Airport and Älsvjö Station. This connection takes ca. 50 minutes.
More detailed information about how to reach the convention center can be found here.
Tickets can be bought at ticket machines in the railway stations. Registered conference participants will receive a public transportation ticket for the conference days. These tickets are valid on all public trains and busses (NOT on the trains to Arlanda Airport).